Saturday 4 June 2011

Character Background: Jen & Artimes

Jen Lightfoot
You live in the village of Scharmbeck helping your mum and dad run the village bakery They pay you 6 shillings a week for your help. Like most Halflings you love food, but unlike most, who's idea of excitement is guessing what the pie filling is going to be for dessert, you have a desire for adventure and want to travel and see the world.

This all started when you discovered you had a talent for 'borrowing' things! Most people would call it stealing, but that's just silly, as you do intend to return the items  at some point, and besides you only borrow from those that won't really miss the items anyway.

The first item you borrowed was from a scholar that was passing through the village and staying in the White Feather Inn. You were in there one day looking for your friend Zarther, when you noticed the door to one of the rooms wasn't locked. So of course you decided you better go in and check everything was ok. Once you got inside you found his travel bag laying on the bed and an amazing map of Wissenland sticking out.

This map caught your eye as you have always wanted to travel, so you took it to help you when you start on your quest to explore the world.

Since then you have been perfecting your ability to open doors and locks and feel it is nearing the time for you leave the village and seek your fame and fortune.

Additional Trappings
A Map of Wissenland

Natalie joined after the first few sessions and I never got round to doing a proper background for her other than she is a servant in the Manor House in the village of Scharmbeck and is friends with both Zarther and Jen.

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