Saturday 4 June 2011

Character Background: Tobias

You were born and raised in the village of Thalfang where you lived with you mother (Abbie), father (Voltz) and your younger sister (Katherina). Your father is the Captain of the Village Watch

You found life in the village pretty easy growing up. You and your sister would help out in the local farmers fields to earn a little money and upon reaching adulthood you joined the Village Watch. When your sister was 16 she got a job as a barmaid in the village inn.

One evening just over a month ago, a couple of strangers arrived in the village. You were off duty and sitting in the Inn with your friend Johann (also in the Village Watch). When the strangers walked into the bar, everyone stopped talking and turned to look. One, was a tall handsome man with an air of nobility about him. The other was a young beautiful woman who smelled very strongly of perfume and also looked of noble birth. They sat in the corner of the common room on their own and your sister was the one that walked over to take their order.

They seemed to spend a long time talking to her but when you quizzed your sister about them later that evening she said they were just father and daughter passing through and that they had booked a room at the Inn for that night.

The next morning you and your parents were called to the Inn. Upon arrival you were shown to the Inn room that the strangers had rented. Laying on the bed, dead, was your sister! Her body was horribly mutilated, her chest has been cut open and her heart had been removed and was missing! She also had some stab marks on her inner thighs, and there was blood all over the bed sheets. You and your father examined the room and the only clue you could find was a small gold bracelet with an ornate 'E' carved into it laying on the floor next to the bed.

There was no sign of the strangers and no one had seen them leave town. A search was made but turned up nothing.

After the funeral you vowed to yourself that you would find these strangers and make them pay. Using the skills you have learnt as part of the Village Watch, you decided to go freelance as a Bounty Hunter to improve you people finding skills and decided to head for the nearest town (Sonnefurt) and start looking for work. You said goodbye to your parents, packed your belongings and got on the next coach.

Upon your  arrival in Sonnefurt you headed for the Town Watch office to register your services. As luck would have it they had a job for you. They needed someone to travel to the village of Scharmbeck to pick up a prisoner and escort him back here for trial. The Watch Captain gave you a letter giving you free coach travel to the village, free pass back for you and the prisoner, and a letter for the Scharmbeck Village Watch Captain (Frank Larkin), explaining you are to transport the prisoner.

You board the coach early Bezahltag morning and arrive in Scharmbeck village that afternoon

Additional Trappings
A small metal bracelet with an ornate 'E' carved into it.

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