Saturday 4 June 2011

Character Background: Zarther

You spent your youth living in the small village of Kophugel just outside Thalfang, with your father, mother and older sister. A few days after your 15th birthday a Carnival arrived and erected a large tent just outside the village boundaries. Like everyone else in the village, that evening you and your family went to the see the Carnival.

Strongmen performed feats of incredible prowess to the adoration of the crowd, whilst players in garish, grinning masks juggled balls, knives and flaming brands. As the crowd's numbers increased, a fool in bright jester's garb with an inflated pig's bladder on a stick leaped from one enthralled watcher to the next joking and cackling, poking and prodding.

It was only when the show reached its blasphemous climax, as the sun began to set, that the truth of the Carnival of Chaos was revealed in all its putrid, festering glory. For these were no mere wandering thespians and entertainers.

When the players performed their final act, known as the Dance of Death, the enchantments covering their true visages slowly slipped away revealing them to their blissfully ignorant audience, for they were cavorting, cyclopean daemons, with rotting flesh hanging from yellowing bones. What were originally considered intricately decorated masks and cleverly applied make-up was soon revealed as the player's true horribly mutated faces, covered in pustules and pox-ridden lesions.

As the villager's expressions turned from those of elation to abject terror at the sight of these horrific visions the slaughter began. Most of the folk who made up the cheering audience had already succumbed to the virulent diseases spread by these malevolent players. As you watched, the villager's bodies (your parents included) blistered, mutated and withered before your eyes.

Very few villagers survived the night, save for a few of the villages fairest maidens (including your sister).  They were rounded up by the insidious Carnival Master, accompanied by his cackling fool.

They were then chained together and the Carnival Master cut a finger from each of them exclaiming "You are all my wives now." They were then tied to the wagons and the Carnival of Chaos packed up and left, leaving the village deserted, its inhabitants and livestock killed by innumerable diseases and plague.

Somehow you managed to hide from the daemons that night and was the only survivor. The following morning a Witch Hunter arrived with a small band of followers including a priestess of Shallya. She took care of you and cured the plague from your body and helped you deal with the traumatic experience. Eventually you travelled to Scharmbeck to stay with your Grandfather Gideon. He was a Wizard and had known for some time that you were the only member of his bloodline to share the magic gift.

You have stayed with him since, learning the ways of wizardry until he passed away two years ago. He left his house and possessions (mainly a large collection of books) to you.

Studying his books you have gained the following information on the Carnival that changed your life: 

The Carnival of Chaos is the sick joke of the Great Lord of Decay, the chaos god known as Nurgle. The players in the Carnival are his corrupt followers and worshippers. They are those who have sold their souls for a twisted form of immortality, through embracing death, destruction and decay, learning to love Nurgle's many and varied gifts.

You currently work part time in The White Feather Inn as a barmaid where you are paid 6 shillings a week. Your best friend in the village is a Halfling named Jen Lightfoot.

You spend your spare time pouring over ancient books for information on the Carnival of Chaos and planning to extract your revenge on the Carnival Master and hopefully find your lost sister.

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